
After several years of struggling to squeeze in more than a couple of runs each week, and aware that the final years of my athletic prime were passing at a clip, I resolved to run every day for a year. Didn't manage it in 2006 (made it to then end of june), so hopefully the discipline of this blog and the £1 challenge will see me right in 2007.

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

January 3rd - Highside

There was a hunt in progress on my usual hills, so to avoid having Anooshka taken for a fox I drove to the village and ran up Highside intsead. Clearly a day for blood-sports, though, as we ran straight through the middle of a shoot, to the obvious irritation of the "guns".

Legs feeling heavy, but luckily the stong, gusting wind was behind me on the climb, so I was spared the ignominy of having to walk any of it. Struggled to take a summit-photo because the wind was blowing me bodily all over the place!

We've been without oil since New Year's Eve, so I had to wash off the debis from my last three runs with a bowl of water from the kettle, standing in the bath! Oil delivery (and then a shower) tomorrow...

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