
After several years of struggling to squeeze in more than a couple of runs each week, and aware that the final years of my athletic prime were passing at a clip, I resolved to run every day for a year. Didn't manage it in 2006 (made it to then end of june), so hopefully the discipline of this blog and the £1 challenge will see me right in 2007.

Monday, January 08, 2007

January 8th - Whitton

Making the most of Whitton and its hills before we have to leave at the end of the month. First rain of the year fell today for an hour or two, and Anooshka and I ventured out into it for about 40 minutes after lunch. Fairly muddy route over to the west side of the farm to look at the mast that's been erected to monitor the wind, to assess the site's suitability for a wind-farm. Not sure how many turbines are planned, but each one will net Tom £8,000 a year. Nice little pension! Felt a bit bouncier than of late, that is until my graceful swallow-dive off a slippery gate half-way round, ripping a sleeve and a glove on barbed wire on the way down.

Look at this first photo and tell me it's not the runningest damn countryside you ever saw!


Charlie Campbell said...

No "it's not the runningest damn countryside you ever saw!" cos there is a gawd darn big wind mast in the middle of it - give me a home where the Buffalo roam and ....!

Marc said...

There is a few bad bits there for my ankle I'm afraid, not quite a snooker table !