
After several years of struggling to squeeze in more than a couple of runs each week, and aware that the final years of my athletic prime were passing at a clip, I resolved to run every day for a year. Didn't manage it in 2006 (made it to then end of june), so hopefully the discipline of this blog and the £1 challenge will see me right in 2007.

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

February 13th - Bowmont Forest

Back in tatters when I woke, largely because the usual musical-beds pantomime saw me in Oscar's bed (he was in mine) with Toby beside me, obliging me to curl into an unnatural shape and cling to the bedside table half the night! Quickly loosened through the morning, and by the time I plunged into Bowmont Forest in the afternoon it was virtually back to normal. Celebrated with a fairly quick 45 minutes. Amazing how quickly and completely I get disorientated in the woods. It's more-or-less completely flat, and with no view other than the trees on each side of the path, it's impossible (for me at any rate) to keep track of the direction I'm heading.
Bit of a red-letter day on the planning front. Yesterday's snotty letter fired off to the Head of Planning yielded rapid results, when I had a phonecall this morning giving verbal approval. Awaiting the confirming letter, then can buy the plot and get cracking with proper drawings etc.

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