
After several years of struggling to squeeze in more than a couple of runs each week, and aware that the final years of my athletic prime were passing at a clip, I resolved to run every day for a year. Didn't manage it in 2006 (made it to then end of june), so hopefully the discipline of this blog and the £1 challenge will see me right in 2007.

Thursday, April 19, 2007

April 19th - Track

Hamish's first Gala Harriers track session, which he's been nipping my ear about for weeks. First rain this month started falling just before we got there, unfortunately. Left him in the care of a clutch of coaches, with several dozen shouting contemporaries for company and joined the adults for a warm-up. The drills played merry hell with my foot, however, so I decided against the session and instead jogged a couple of laps then went into the gym and did 15 minutes on the exercise bike (sweaty and mind-numbing), 3 minutes on the rowing machine (pointless - didn't quite understand what it was supposed to do other than hurt my wrists!) and a few sets of leg-thingies on one of the machines with the clanky weights. Quite good fun watching the posers checking themselves in the big mirrors. Even had time to go back outside and watch the end of Hamish's session, which seemed to involve quite a bit of standing around with his hands down his trousers, punctuated by brief periods of running frantically and looking desperately behind him to see who was likely to come past.

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