
After several years of struggling to squeeze in more than a couple of runs each week, and aware that the final years of my athletic prime were passing at a clip, I resolved to run every day for a year. Didn't manage it in 2006 (made it to then end of june), so hopefully the discipline of this blog and the £1 challenge will see me right in 2007.

Saturday, January 20, 2007

January 20th - Grubbit Law

Horrendously stiff calves, and aching back, abdominals, shoulders and sides from Thursday's track session. Quite shocked at the damage. Knackered too, after another interrupted night with Toby. Intended to jog for 20 minutes purely to keep the unbroken sequence going, but couldn't be arsed going home so soon, so trundled down into the Hownam Valley and up Grubbit Law from Hownam Grange. Right foot cramping again on steep climbs. Bit of a worry with the Burdens next weekend. Jogged for 1 hour and 20 minutes, and according to my super-size watch, climbed 650 vertical metres. First picture shown the line up Grubbit Law, and second shows the view near the top, looking east into the Cheviots.

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